Welcome to Applied's Newsletters where you will discover ways to help keep you and your project safe as well tips that can be applied to your everyday lives. This will also be a great tool to help keep you up to date on current safety topics, industry safety standards, and changes to federal regulations. After reviewing each monthly issue, you will have a chance to enter in the monthly prize drawing as well as the annual drawing! Please be sure to submit your entry by the 25th of each month to be eligible for drawings.
Situational Awareness
Heat Stress Prevention and Response
Insect Bites + Stings
Stinging and biting insects, scorpions and snakes can be hazardous to outdoor workers. Stinging or biting insects inclkude bees, wasps, hornets, and fire ants.
The health effects of stinging or biting insects or scorpions rane from mild discomfort or pain, to a lethal reaction for those workers allergic to the insect's venom.
Safety First
Winter Safety Stats
Scan the QR code at the bottom of the page to be
directed to the safety portal where you can submit a
near miss. Enter to win prizes such as the hats above
and many other great options.
Be sure to submit your near misses to win one of these Applied prizes!