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Eagle Safety Summit 2022

Access Applied LMS May 2022 Newsletter and please be sure to submit your near misses!

This month’s safety topic highlights the recent Eagle Safety Summit held in Longview, Texas at the Applied Consultants office on April 27th and 28th.  Safety Directors from all Eagle Infrastructure Services companies (Applied Consultants, Cleveland Integrity Services, Encompass Services, Perennial Environmental, and Central NDT) participated in the face-to-face 2-Day safety conference reviewing existing processes as well as enhancing and developing the strategy for the next 12-24 months.

Leaders from each company shared their best practices, identified areas needing improvement, and exchanged feedback from the field, all to build upon the strong programs that exist today.

Keynote speaker Gary Buchler, senior board advisor for First Reserve and Eagle Infrastructure Services shared his support and vision of the safety program and areas in which the team might focus next.  Mr. Buchler has 40+ years in the Oil & Gas industry, much of which he served as Chief Operating Officer for Kinder Morgan.  Mr. Buchler brings a vast knowledge of the cyclic nature of the O&G industry as well as a vision for the future of renewables and how Eagle Infrastructure might engage and maximize those opportunities. He also validated the success of our existing safety programs and to remain highly focused on growing training and communication tools with all employees.  To continue growing our Best Practices, Communications, Technology Solutions, and gathering feedback from everyone in the field to develop programs and services that will set Eagle Infrastructure ahead of its competition.

The team also had the honor of hosting guest speakers Nicole Dailey and Samantha Gardner from Strategic Comp, Inc.  Ms. Dailey is the Regional Vice President and Ms. Gardner is the Texas Claims Specialist for Strategic Comp.  The Safety Directors had a unique opportunity to meet with these ladies in a one-on-one in-depth review of injury case management.  How we engage and successfully integrate our existing Axiom Medical group into the mix to make a seamless path for any injured employee. The safety team was able to investigate various scenarios they had encountered during the past several years to validate their response plans.

We are thankful for the time and knowledge shared by each of our guests at this event.  As leaders within their organizations, we are blessed to have them as advisors to our safety team.

During the working phases of our summit, participants grinded through the detailed aspects of each topic:

  • Incident and Case Management
  • Safety training library and available learning options
  • Developing new mobile solutions and applications for the field
  • Data Capture, Review, and Archiving
  • Development of the CIR (Critical Incident Response) Team
  • Field Auditing, Compliance & Near Miss Capture
  • Training Engagement for all employees
  • Renewal of OQ Certifications with employees
  • Quarterly all-employee safety meetings (Zoom)
  • Supervisor Training opportunities
  • You Tell Us! Feedback from the field
  • Enhancing Newsletter with additional features and options
  • Target Zero Campaign with QR Code
  • Prize Winners, selection process, and delivery
  • Axiom Medical, Updates, Program costs, and process reviews
  • Tally Book inserts for critical incident information
  • Awareness & need: EAP (Emergency Action Plan) Where to go, who to call
  • Doing the right thing, remaining positive, honest within the industry

Some program results will be more visible to everyone, such as enhancing the Newsletter, Target Zero campaign, and the CIR team.  All of which are developed to support and care for each employee.  Other program changes are more challenging such as the safety training library assets. Most everyone has taken many of the OSHA awareness safety courses. In general, they are a great resource for safe work awareness.   There are specific courses your company safety manager must assign annually to meet the compliance mandates for the company. Such as HAZCOM, Safe Driving, H2S, JSA, and PPE courses.  We are constantly seeking new content and ways to train and engage employees while making it entertaining and engaging.  Watch for new content over the next few months as we build upon our existing Learning Management System (LMS).

Another topic of focus was the Near Miss programs.  The current Target Zero campaign with QR code is a perfect result of receiving feedback and implementing an easy-to-use form for submitting legitimate Near Miss, Observations, and Other items.  Not all observations are negative behavior actions, what about observed positive safe work behavior?  Let us acknowledge and reward those observations also and perhaps it will overtake any negative actions daily. Do you have your Target Zero hardhat sticker yet?  If not, you can request one now on the next page.

Lastly, and most importantly, the whole safety team appreciates and thanks to everyone for working hard every day.  Working safe and returning home safe is the goal we have with any company and employee.  Let us keep the lines of communication open, and share with us your ideas for making the safety programs engaging and successful and keeping everyone healthy and successful.  You Tell Us!

Safety Employee of the Month!

CONGRATS!!! Royce Emerson has been selected as our Safety Employee of the Month. We wanted to thank Royce for always putting safety first and submitting his near-miss reports along with completing his safety modules.

Interview Questions:
Why is Safety so important to you?

Safety is very important to me because I want everyone to return home to their family’s the way they left. I also believe it is very important to stay safe for our employers as well. After all, that’s why we are all out here, is to provide for our families and to return home safely.

Why do you think submitting Near Miss reports is important?

Near-Miss reports are a great way of tracking a possible occurring problem. Not only are they great for tracking problems but just as good for indicating and tracking positivity on the job site.

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered up with Boot Barn to offer all Applied Consultants inspectors a 15% discount on all purchases “work-related” from the Boot Barn, Nation Wide. Be sure to tell them you work for Applied Consultants and use the keyword: “Safety First” to receive the discount. 

April Winners

Taylor MacDonald
Travis Mets
Richard Burrhus

If you have been selected as a newsletter Q&A winner, please click this link and select your prize(s) from your winning category.

Applied Consultants, Inc. is always seeking new talent to join our staff of professionals. If you wish to join our team, please email us your resume along with an application letter, we will contact you.


Main Office Address

2100 N. Eastman Rd.
Longview, Texas 75601

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